Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Apaches and High Winds

As far as the high winds go I'm right now sitting in the Nectar Lounge (pictured to the right) and the wind is so freaking crazy that its making me feel like I'm crazy.  It's non-stop high wind that all but knocks you over when you're walking through it.  I'm currently semi-protected by the heavy duty tent around me because there's a class in the temple which is the only actual building on the camp ground.  It's pretty good in here but every now and then there will be a gust so intense that it stops all thought process in my brain and makes my eyes bulge out of my head for fear that the tent will come crumbling down on top of me.  The wind started at about mid morning and hasn't stopped since.  

The interesting part of this whole thing is that last night, before the wind started, I had a dream that I was looking out of a window and saw a Tornado form right before my eyes.  Dream-Me then braced myself in a door frame while the building came crumbling down around me.  This is just another example to add the list of dreams I've had that have been psychic.  I'm not saying I dream about exactly what's going to happen - but I have a dream the night before something happens that comes partially true.  ie. Last night - Tornado dream; Today - Craziest wind I've ever experienced in my entire life.  Someone just said the gusts are getting up to 40 mph.  I may or may not still have a tent.

Another example of Psychic Dream Kim:  
Picture it - December 2006 - Fredonia, NY - 35 Barker Street
I had a dream that I was pregnant.  Not only was I pregnant so was Chrystal Mook.  Now, in real life Chrystal Mook WAS about 8.5 months pregnant. (This wasn't the psychic part - I already knew that in real life because I'm not stupid or blind - her prego tummy was HUGE.) The point is that she still had a little more time before the bun was to be ejected from the oven.  Back to the dream...  Pregnant Dream-Chrystal Mook was wheeling pregnant Dream-Me into the Emergeny Room because pregnant Dream-Me was about to pop out my Dream-Baby. End of dream... Real Life-ME woke up and thought "haha, how funny!"  A few hours later I get a call from a family member (I can't remember which one...) telling me that pregnant Real Life-Chrystal Mook went in for her regularly scheduled check-up and was told by the doctor that the bun would soon be ejecting from the oven that is her womb and that she should go to the hospital straight away.  (I'm sure I'm improvising on the language because the doctor wasn't British and probably wouldn't refer to an unborn child as a type of bread or pastry)

I've also had semi-psychics dreams involving relationships and other various things.  I have them more now that I've gotten deeper into my meditation.  Needless to say I was a little scared when I had a dream last week that my hand was being chewed off by a wild Pig.  

Moving on...
On Saturday the Apaches came to Diamond Mountain.  This used to be their land until the British stole it.  Sadface.  They come every now and then to bless the land.  They sing like 32 tribal songs and stay all day.  People can come and go as they please and watch them, dance, and sing along.  I didn't go up the the hill they were singing on for the first part of the morning because I was meditating and taking a yoga class.  But then I went up the mountain to where there ceremony was being held and listened to a few songs.  They were in the middle of a song so I sat down and closed my eyes to listen.  And all of a sudden tears were falling down my cheeks.  I don't know what it was but it was just so powerful and beautiful.  They sang another song after that and then had us line up so they could do a blessing for us.  They went around and blessed us all and then had us bless them like they did for us.  It was a really nice thing.  I felt emotional during that part too but I'm a big sap so I didn't really think that much of it.  Then I got to the old Apache ladies that were here.  (There were 3 generations who came)  They were saying prayers for us.  The oldest woman grabbed my hands and started saying a prayer and it was very nice and I got all choked up.  Then another one of the woman hugged me, started rubbing my back, and saying a prayer and I immediately started SOBBING.  I was hugging a woman I had never before met in my life who was saying a prayer in another language so I had no idea what she was saying - and I was crying like a baby.  Hugging a stranger and crying.  Either it's true that yoga and meditation open your heart or I'm so starved for affection that hugging a stranger opened flood gates of emotion that I didn't know were there.  Or both.  Or something else entirely.  However, it was intense and beautiful and ridiculously weird.   

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