The next matter of business is that I need to add a link to Phantasm's most recent video. Phantasm is Steve's band. You may not know who Steve is or who Phantasm is but now you will and in getting to know them you will learn how to make pumpkin pie - and you will laugh.
Day 6 - Outdoor Yoga
I did yoga outside today. Arizona is hot. Did you know? It was wonderful! Except of course when that bee was stalking me and I had to stop doing poses to run away for a minute. Oh, and I could almost smell the singe of my white skin in the sun. But other than that it was great. Seriously, it was. Mountains all around me, sun shining, ipod on a yoga playlist. And before this outdoor yoga I got a professional massage. Tahiya is one of the women staying to help the retreat. She's from California and one of the sweetest women ever. She's a massage therapist and as soon as I walked into the house in the morning and said "wow, my back really hurts" she said "well I can take care of that." An hour later I was on a massage table for like 45 minutes. It was rather blissful. Outdoor yoga and a professional massage for free. Thats how we roll at DM, yo. (of course there was also hours of chopping, several potatoes, and lots-o-crazy as well but at this point that goes without saying)
Day 7 - Oil = Dangerous
"This life, it is so short. It goes by in an instant. Tibetans say its like a bubble on the surface of the ocean. You don't have time to waste, every moment is precious." - Lama Christie McNally
Sometimes when I go yoga I feel high afterward. I may have written about this previously but its worth mentioning again. It usually happens once in a while when I have a really awesome teacher give a really awesome class. (Like when Stacy taught us a yin practice - relaxing poses held for longer than usual so the pose reaches down to the muscle) Today though I just did an improvised practice on my own again outside and for the first time doing stuff on my own I got a yoga high. I guess it means I'm learning. (Thanks to Stacy and all the other wonderful people here who've been teaching me) Its just so great. Like, I have this stupid smile I can't get off my faced and I keep giggling at everything. Its so great.
We had a lull in what we were doing today and I was sitting quietly on one of the couches resting. I hear Razia calling my name from across the room. She said "Kimmy, come here and I will tell you how to make ice cream." So I sit down, she puts paper and pen in front of me and gives me 2 recipies for making ice cream and a whole bunch of other recipies. One for a salad that somehow involves raw Ramen noodles. I'm so excited to cook when I go home for Thanksgiving.
Then came the almost oil fire... I was sitting down and all of a sudden I hear one person say calmly "we need some help..." and then another say even more calmly "ok, so, I need someone to find me a fire extinguisher as soon as they possibly can..." So I come to find out that the oil in which falafel was being cooked started to boil over and come dangerously close to the flame on the stove. But no one panicked. We all just got up and started looking around for an extinguisher. Only at Diamond Mountain... It didn't end up boiling over and it was taken care of but still, any other group of people would have probably started screaming and running around. We all did what I'd like to call "efficiently chilled."
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