The funny thing about the whole potato thing is that they just keep showing up. Every day there are potatoes. It makes sense because when people are in retreat they say they need to eat heavy foods that ground them since they're doing cool things like staying silent and doing a whole bunch of crazy meditation. I've just never seen so many potatoes in all my life. So then to tie it all together - today Razia (who I adore) is talking to Stacy and I about different concepts in Buddhism and Stacy asked what Buddhists believe about the different realms. I won't get into it here but within the description Razia, in her wonderful Hebrew accent, says "...and then they fall to hell like a potato." This may or may not be funny to you since you can't picture her or hear her accent but it was hilarious on its own and then all I could think was "heh, yeah, potatoes are hell." It just seemed so fitting to me...
Day 3 - honey gloves and learning how to cook.
I mentioned previously that I've invented a honey glove. (photo still pending) We have a massive tub of honey. We need to take a small amount of that honey from the massive tub and put it into small containers so the retreatants can enjoy their honey without being up their elbows in it every time they want to enjoy some tea. Every time people tried to pour these smaller amounts of honey they got it all over themselves, all over the containers, and all over the floor. So Anne walks up to me and says "Kim, I need you to figure out a way to get the honey out of the tub...some sort of spout. Maybe you could use some cardboard, or a glove. I don't know - just figure it out." So there I am, with a look of mild panic/confusion on my face with a rubber glove in one hand and some duct tape in the other. Thankfully after a month in the desert having to completely rearrange my way of thinking my mind is rather pliable. So I squat down next to the tub of honey and get to work. After a few uses and some minor improvements we have a wonderful product. We needed some nice, strong gentlemen to lift the massive tub of honey when it was still very full but now that its being used up I can pretend I'm strong and use the contraption myself. However, for the first few days there was a man holding a big white tub with a rubber glove duct taped to the end and me kneeling on the ground squeezing a rubber glove like I'm milking a cow. And the excitement in the room when we thought of poking a hole in the lid so the honey would come out faster... kind of like when your mom would buy those big cans of juicy juice when you were a kid and would poke 2 holes so the juice could glug glug glug faster into your cup. I really hope I'm not that weird and someone knows what I mean by that. Lastly on this topic I'd like to say that (before our product was perfected and I was still getting some honey on my hands) I now know what Whinny the Poo feels like...
So Razia is a wonderful Israeli woman who LOVES to cook. She's been cooking group meals all throughout the term and I loved her and her Israeli food from a distance but didn't get the chance to cook with or talk to her until the retreat started. Now every day I'm in the kitchen before 8am chopping and listening and learning. She's so adorable and says the funniest things and I'm learning so much from her. Now when I'm chopping or washing or cutting or whatevering I have this Hebrew accent in my head telling me what to do with the food. Its so wonderful. I help her all morning and during the early afternoon to make lunch for everyone. We've become a really great team. While we're cooking she talks about Buddhism and tells me stories. She gets so happy to talk about these things that I'll look up from cutting when she gets to the exciting part of her story and she's looking at me with the funniest most excited look on her face. Ugh - I wish everyone could have a Razia in their life. The world would be a better place. I also think the world would be a better place if everyone had a laughing fit at least once a day. (It happened today - Day 5 - with Stacy and Anne. We laughed so hard it hurt. I love that...) It's always so easy to be in the kitchen with her. Then we get to the end of the afternoon and we get the food out the door and she says out loud "We did it!" Every time, "We did it!" Like we had any doubt that we would complete our task. I love that woman. Also, she just had hey 29th wedding anniversary. I'm not even surprised. I would totally stay married to her for 100 years if I were her husband, she's so great.
Day 4 - cottage cheese is disgusting and i dont care what you say
Not only is it disgusting, it is disturbing. I would even go as far as to say that it is foul. If you eat it, God bless, but you know what, you're a little gross. One of the Israeli's was eating toast with jelly and cottage cheese today and I thought to myself "I have never in my life eaten cottage cheese and I will never do it. Ever." And I mean that. It is white with chunks. Why would anyone eat something that is white with chunks? Why would you do that? Dan from Pizza Hut Fredonia used to eat cottage cheese every day and I felt the same way then. I've changed a lot in the past few years but this has stayed the same. And it will not change. Ever.
On a better note I came across these quotes today while reading a book called Jivamukti Yoga and decided I wanted to share them:
"Let love be your guide. When you love what you do, the means to do it will be revealed to you."
" will start having your own insights. They will come to you in magical little explosions that will feel like things you've always known but didn't know how to express."
Day 5 - Awful
I didn't sleep enough on night 4. I came back to the house in Bowie and sang a bunch of songs with Eirenne and Zack. Well, I sang one song - the only one I remember how to play on guitar. Then Zack played a bunch which was awesome. Thats when I started getting tired. But I couldn't go to bed. I love private concerts. This makes me miss John. Private concerts are awesome. Private concerts on your balcony in Brooklyn are even better. Then I got over tired and we moved on to Disney songs. Theres something about me and Eirenne that when we're together we inevitably start singing either I Just Can't Wait to Be King from The Lion King or something from Aladin or The Little Mermaid. Then there was also the one time we made up a song about walking down a hill titled "Walkin' On Down the Hill" (By the way, if anyone wants to play us some banjo for that song it would fir perfectly...) We then started to discuss how hilariously awful Gaston in Beauty and the Beast was which led to 1am, a plan for Zack to cover a Gaston song at open mic and a youtube adventure. Do yourself a favor,
watch this, laugh, and be happy.
As wonderful as this night was it left me with very little sleep which makes getting up at 6am and working for about 14-16 hours very difficult. I'm afraid this will be happening again tonight since it's 1:25 and I'm still not asleep. Therefore I must say farewell for now.