Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Alright. Tomorrow I leave Buffalo and start on my way. My route is all planned out. It looks a little something like this:

Purple dots are where I'm stopping to sleep. Smiley Face = Destination (in case you didn't get that) If you want to e-mail me to praise my artistic computer skills please feel free. I'll be driving along/close to route 66 for a lot of the way so its kind of like the ultimate roadtrip experience.

The car is packed to the brim. I had every intention of having a seperate bag with carfeully chosen clothing for the drive itself and having everything else in other bags for when I get to Arizona. That did not even come close to happening. Everything is fit in like a jig-saw puzzle so hopefully I can find some new clothes each day. I have some trail mix and my Starbucks travel mug, Tim Tim my Tom Tom and the talking Jesus for good luck. "But she's going to study Buddhism, why would she bring Jesus?" you say. Because Jesus is a cool dude, thats why.

I'm sad to leave my family but I've resisted crying so far. (Except when watching The Biggest Loser - ugh, poor red team.) I almost packed my nephew but then we ran out of room in the car.

He's the one who made the decision to sit down in the MSKCC duffle bag.

Now I should probably go to sleep and be all ridiculously well rested for my first day of driving. Instead - I will watch tv shows on my mom's pretty lap top which, unlike mine, has a full working screen.


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