Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kit Kats and Moving Walkways

My 3 year old nephew doesn't like to eat his dinner. He doesnt like to eat anything, in fact. The exceptions to this dietary rule of his include crackers, potato chips, and kit kats. I missed the commencement of what is now called the "Clean Plate Club" but quickly caught on while visiting home these past few weeks. Clean plate club means if you eat all of your food you're most likely rewarded with a kit kat.

I'm currently at the Dubai airport for our layover on our way to India. After the 12 hour flight from New York I decided to take a walk around and look at the duty free shops. I couldn't help but notice that Dubai really likes kit kats. I've seen several displays and a wide array of kit kat packaging. I couldnt help but thinking "wow, if Jeremy were in Dubai he would totally eat his dinner."

Megan and I are both like neon white. Neon. So let the staring begin. Men have begun to look at us. I think some of them believe that if they're wearing sun glasses we can't tell they're staring directly at us. But I can sir, I can. On second thought, they actually probably dont care. Its really no big deal. We were warned and we expect it.

But to make the whole thing even more commical... we're spending our layover time on quite comfortable chairs that happen to be lined up parallel to a moving walkway. In New York most people have TBD (please see Ellen's comedy special for reference) and keep walking on the moving walkways, myself included. It seems here, however, a lot of people like to take the opportunity to have a nice rest. So you take this rest, the two neon girls sitting parallel to them, combine them, and what you have is a bunch of people standing still on a moving walkway staring at us from one end of the walkway to the other. Its really a priceless sight.

30 minutes and then a flight to Bangalore :)