Friday, December 18, 2009
Mystery Books and Swine Flu Jobs
I'm still jobless. I've handed in about 15 applications and/or resumes. No one is hiring... or no one is hiring me. Its becoming a pain and I'm beginning to have anxiety. No one wants to hire during the holidays. Its sad, really. Today I called Anne at The Temp Connection. I sent Anne my resume and she said she'll look at it and "see what we can do." Thanks Anne. I have to call her back in about an hour so we can "talk some more." On my resume Anne will see that I've worked with Domestic Violence victims and Cancer Patients. Next perhaps Anne will have me working with Pig flu victims or something. She'll be like "oh, this girl is good with disasters - Swine flu!" I dont want to leave the AZ so please, Anne, find me a job.
Other than that nothing is really going on. I'm working on some classes, trying to excel at Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook, and failing miserably at Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. I took a yoga class with a teacher that I really liked. He kind of kicked my ass. So I'm going to go back again tonight to get my ass handed to me again. Woohoo! I sometimes sit near our Christmas tree and thats a little bit comforting. I still want to take pictures of where I am and put them online but I still don't have the hook-up for my camera. I should get a new one but girls without jobs cant go around buying camera hook ups. (Please Anne, please, this is an emergency!)
Ok, just for the sake of having a picture for people to look at I looked up the wonder-book and I was most certainly wrong about the title. It is NOT Jennifer Jones - Its Jennifer Johnson. Close enough...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
the project continues... also, my mom is awesome.
I've now put in an application or a resume (yes, a resume to make coffee... I dont know...) to 8 different cafes. To my unpleasant surprise none of them said "Wow Kim, you're awesome we want to hire you right away! Here is an apron for you to put on..." I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. My bank account is swiftly dwindling. I really need to have a job before I don't have enough to drive the car back across the country. I'm not there yet but it probably won't take long.
also, my mom is awesome.
That being said, I have probably the coolest mom ever who is way more supportive than she needs to be. So no one be nervous that I'll end up in a gutter somewhere hungry and cold.
Thats really about it. Nothing else is going on. I'm bored. I'm meditating. I'm job hunting. I'm not spending money. I just put a whole bunch of old music on my ipod...most of which makes me laugh.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Back in Tucson - Project: Find a Job
making cookie pie.
and having a fire outside in very cold temperatures.
Most of Buffalo was spending time with my family which is probably the best thing to do. Especially with the coolest nephew on the planet. Unfotunately my Buffalo photos are not able to be shown at this time due to loosing my little hook up my camera to my computer thing. I thought in Buffalo when I didn't have it that it was in the car in Arizona. Now I am in Arizona and it is definitely not in the car. But if I did have my hook up my camera to my computer thingy you would see awesome pictures of Thanksgiving, shopping on Black Friday, a homemade Spiderman cake, and a 3 year old's birthday party. Ok, maybe those things aren't that interesting anyway... I thought they were anyway.
Now I'm back in Arizona and happy to be here. Of course, one of the things I was looking forward to getting back to was the sun and there was no sun to be found today. Thats ok though, at least there aren't freezing temperatures. I believe Buffalo is now covered under a blanket of snow so I'll be thankful for my warm-ish dreary day in Arizona. I did go to a yoga class today at a new place. It was really good if your definition of good is getting your butt kicked by trying to do things that you've never tried to do before and feeling like a pretzle.
Project Find a Job
Tomorrow starts Project Find a Job. This project is me... trying to find a job. I will stick to my previous plan of trying to work in a coffee shop. If in a few weeks (ew, thats a long time) I haven't found anything I suppose I'll have to try other places and/or wander around the streets of Tucson crying and begging people for a job, any job. My goal for tomorrow is to go to at least 4 places to job-seek.
Other than working on Project Find a Job I'll be meditating and doing yoga every day. I'll also be catching up on some meditation classes that I need to do to be able to take a class during term in February. And I'll be getting some classes with my teachers Rebecca and Grant. So, this will be a busy time - and I don't even have the job yet.
Stay tuned...